Rlm_ldap not found

Leighton Man l.j.man at hud.ac.uk
Mon Sep 28 15:10:28 CEST 2009

Hi all,
Hope this is an easy one:
Freeradius 2.1.6 on arch linux installed from a package. All is well until I uncomment ldap in the authorise section of sites-enabled/inner-tunnel then I get:
/etc/raddb/modules/ldap[29]: Failed to link to module 'rlm_ldap': file not found
followed by Failed to find module "ldap" ......
rlm_ldap.so is a symlink to rlm_ldap-2.1.6.so which has the same permissions and is in the same directory as the other modules which load OK (they are also symlinks in the same directory).
I've checked for typos until I'm beginning to see them even when they are not there!

Radiusd -X shows no errors or warnings and after the ***Loading Virtual Servers**** message continues linking and instantiating modules up to and including "files" then the error above.
Not easy to post the whole output as I haven't got ftp running yet.

Where should I look next?



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