Freeradius certificate not chain problem

trevor obba trevor_obba at
Mon Sep 28 15:54:33 CEST 2009

I am trying to in an install an SSL certificate issued by Janet on a freeradius (open source radius application). The installation and the configuration went fine however Microsoft windows vista and Apple Mac machines are prompting that the certificate is not chain.

Here my TLS configuration in /etc/raddb/eap.conf

private_key_password = uc123uc
private_key_file = ${certdir}/jaguar.key
certificate_file = ${certdir}/cert.pem
CA_file = ${cadir}/sureserverEDU.pem

The CA_file is pointing at the intermediate root certificate however windows vista and Apple Mac client are informing me that the certificate is not chained.

I even tried concatenating all certificate in one file like: but no joy

cat sureserverEDU.pem > mycert.pem
cat cert.pem >> mycert.pem

I also tried concatenating all certificate in one file like

cat ct_root.der > mycert.pem
cat sureserverEDU.pem >> mycert.pem
cat cert.pem >> mycert.pem

But this is not working either, 


Can you shad some light on this please? Thank again.


ct_root.der is the GTE CyberTrust Global Root
sureserverEDU.pem is the Cybertrust Educational CA 
cert.pem is my globalsign certificate


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