usergroup problems with separate auth and accounting databases
Trey Scarborough
treys at
Thu Aug 26 21:49:25 CEST 2010
Alan DeKok wrote:
> Trey Scarborough wrote:
>> Yes I am aware of how it is Documented I followed the documentation but
>> still is not functioning correctly.
>> I have a configuration that is similar to as follows
> <sigh> Similar is not the same.
> Perhaps you could explain in *detail* what you are trying to do with
> SQL groups. Use examples from your cvonfiguration, not invented ones.
> Alan DeKok.
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
All I am trying to do is run the radius auth querys on a database on one
machine and the accounting on another in another database. The problem I
am seeing is that when the additional sql configuration is put in for
the accounting database it begins to use that configuration for the
group_membership_query which is not in the accounting database and
fails. If I remove the sql-auth from the accounting configuration it
runs fine using the rad-auth sql configuration. Here is the exerts from
my configuration. I am trying to set some radreply items with sql and
some by the users file by group. This works fine until I try to seperate
the databases.
authorize {
accounting {
sql-acct #works when this line is commented out
#sql.conf file
sql sql-auth {
driver = "rlm_sql_mysql"
server = "localhost"
login = "radius"
password = "radpass"
radius_db = "radius"
postauth_table = "radpostauth"
authcheck_table = "radcheck"
authreply_table = "radreply"
groupcheck_table = "radgroupcheck"
groupreply_table = "radgroupreply"
usergroup_table = "usergroup"
nas_table = "nas"
deletestalesessions = no
sqltrace = no
sqltracefile = ${logdir}/sqltrace.sql
num_sql_socks = 5
connect_failure_retry_delay = 60
sql_user_name = "%{User-Name}"
authorize_check_query = "SELECT id, UserName, Attribute, Value, op \
FROM ${authcheck_table} \
WHERE Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' \
authorize_reply_query = "SELECT id, UserName, Attribute, Value, op \
FROM ${authreply_table} \
WHERE Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' \
group_membership_query = "SELECT GroupName FROM ${usergroup_table}
WHERE UserName='%{SQL-User-Name}'"
# Set to 'yes' to read radius clients from the database ('nas' table)
readclients = yes
sql sql-acct {
driver = "rlm_sql_mysql"
server = ""
login = "radius"
password = "radpass"
radius_db = "radius-acct"
acct_table1 = "radacct"
acct_table2 = "radacct"
accounting_onoff_query = "UPDATE ${acct_table1} SET
AcctStopTime='%S', AcctSessionTime=unix_timestamp('%S') -
AcctTerminateCause='%{Acct-Terminate-Cause}', AcctStopDelay =
'%{Acct-Delay-Time}' WHERE AcctSessionTime=0 AND AcctStopTime=0 AND
NASIPAddress= '%{NAS-IP-Address}' AND AcctStartTime <= '%S'"
accounting_update_query = "UPDATE ${acct_table1} \
SET FramedIPAddress = '%{Framed-IP-Address}', \
AcctSessionTime = '%{Acct-Session-Time}', \
AcctInputOctets = '%{Acct-Input-Octets}', \
AcctOutputOctets = '%{Acct-Output-Octets}' \
WHERE AcctSessionId = '%{Acct-Session-Id}' \
AND UserName = '%{SQL-User-Name}' \
AND NASIPAddress= '%{NAS-IP-Address}'"
accounting_update_query_alt = "INSERT into ${acct_table1}
(AcctSessionId, AcctUniqueId, UserName, Realm, NASIPAddress, NASPortId,
NASPortType, AcctStartTime, AcctSessionTime, AcctAuthentic,
ConnectInfo_start, AcctInputOctets, AcctOutputOctets, CalledStationId,
CallingStationId, ServiceType, FramedProtocol, FramedIPAddress,
AcctStartDelay) values('%{Acct-Session-Id}',
'%{Acct-Unique-Session-Id}', '%{SQL-User-Name}', '%{Realm}',
'%{NAS-IP-Address}', '%{NAS-Port}', '%{NAS-Port-Type}',
DATE_SUB('%S',INTERVAL (%{Acct-Session-Time:-0} + %{Acct-Delay-Time:-0})
SECOND), '%{Acct-Session-Time}', '%{Acct-Authentic}', '',
'%{Acct-Input-Octets}', '%{Acct-Output-Octets}', '%{Called-Station-Id}',
'%{Calling-Station-Id}', '%{Service-Type}', '%{Framed-Protocol}',
'%{Framed-IP-Address}', '0')"
accounting_start_query = "INSERT into ${acct_table1} (AcctSessionId,
AcctUniqueId, UserName, Realm, NASIPAddress, NASPortId, NASPortType,
AcctStartTime, AcctStopTime, AcctSessionTime, AcctAuthentic,
ConnectInfo_start, ConnectInfo_stop, AcctInputOctets, AcctOutputOctets,
CalledStationId, CallingStationId, AcctTerminateCause, ServiceType,
FramedProtocol, FramedIPAddress, AcctStartDelay, AcctStopDelay)
values('%{Acct-Session-Id}', '%{Acct-Unique-Session-Id}',
'%{SQL-User-Name}', '%{Realm}', '%{NAS-IP-Address}', '%{NAS-Port}',
'%{NAS-Port-Type}', '%S', '0', '0', '%{Acct-Authentic}',
'%{Connect-Info}', '', '0', '0', '%{Called-Station-Id}',
'%{Calling-Station-Id}', '', '%{Service-Type}', '%{Framed-Protocol}',
'%{Framed-IP-Address}', '%{Acct-Delay-Time}', '0')"
accounting_start_query_alt = "UPDATE ${acct_table1} SET
AcctStartTime = '%S', AcctStartDelay = '%{Acct-Delay-Time}',
ConnectInfo_start = '%{Connect-Info}' WHERE AcctSessionId =
'%{Acct-Session-Id}' AND UserName = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND NASIPAddress
= '%{NAS-IP-Address}'"
accounting_stop_query = "UPDATE ${acct_table2} SET AcctStopTime =
'%S', AcctSessionTime = '%{Acct-Session-Time}', AcctInputOctets =
'%{Acct-Input-Octets}', AcctOutputOctets = '%{Acct-Output-Octets}',
AcctTerminateCause = '%{Acct-Terminate-Cause}', AcctStopDelay =
'%{Acct-Delay-Time}', ConnectInfo_stop = '%{Connect-Info}' WHERE
AcctSessionId = '%{Acct-Session-Id}' AND UserName = '%{SQL-User-Name}'
AND NASIPAddress = '%{NAS-IP-Address}'"
accounting_stop_query_alt = "INSERT into ${acct_table2}
(AcctSessionId, AcctUniqueId, UserName, Realm, NASIPAddress, NASPortId,
NASPortType, AcctStartTime, AcctStopTime, AcctSessionTime,
AcctAuthentic, ConnectInfo_start, ConnectInfo_stop, AcctInputOctets,
AcctOutputOctets, CalledStationId, CallingStationId, AcctTerminateCause,
ServiceType, FramedProtocol, FramedIPAddress, AcctStartDelay,
AcctStopDelay) values('%{Acct-Session-Id}', '%{Acct-Unique-Session-Id}',
'%{SQL-User-Name}', '%{Realm}', '%{NAS-IP-Address}', '%{NAS-Port}',
'%{NAS-Port-Type}', DATE_SUB('%S', INTERVAL (%{Acct-Session-Time:-0} +
%{Acct-Delay-Time:-0}) SECOND), '%S', '%{Acct-Session-Time}',
'%{Acct-Authentic}', '', '%{Connect-Info}', '%{Acct-Input-Octets}',
'%{Acct-Output-Octets}', '%{Called-Station-Id}',
'%{Calling-Station-Id}', '%{Acct-Terminate-Cause}', '%{Service-Type}',
'%{Framed-Protocol}', '%{Framed-IP-Address}', '0', '%{Acct-Delay-Time}')"
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