freeradius2 and juniper router

Alan DeKok aland at
Sun Aug 29 09:56:54 CEST 2010

gahn wrote:
> I got the freeradius server installed, configured but it is not working. Basically it just doesn't respond.

  Have you tried running the server in debugging mode, as suggested in
the FAQ, README, "man" page, web pages, and daily on this list?

  You've given a lot of information... most of which is useless.

> for file "users":
> tester     Auth-Type := Local
>            User-Passowrd = "password"
>            Juniper-Local-User-Name = "admin"

  <sigh>  Please read the documentation and the FAQ for how to create a
"users" file entry.  There are a number of mistakes here, including a
mis-spelled attribute.

> for "clients.conf":
> client {
>         secret            = easy-test
> on juniper router:
> radius-server {
> secret "$9$g04ZjHkPTQnik.5TzAt"; ## SECRET-DATA

  You do realize that those secrets are different, right?  And that they
should be the same?  And that if you ran the server in debugging mode,
it would *tell* you this?

> somehow juniper router just ignore the calls from the freeradius server:

  No.  The router is sending a packet, and not receiving a response.

> any ideas?

  You've done many things wrong.  The main one is trying to debug the
server by looking at everything *else* in the network.

  Why not debug the server by looking at the servers behavior?  That's
what all of the documentation says to do, and it seems rather more logical.

  Alan DeKok.

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