configure radius to write detailed log to multiple files

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Wed Dec 1 22:12:05 CET 2010


to add a second detail module, simply copy the first one and add a name to it


the first detail file will have something like this...

detail {

blah blah

blah blah


change this to

detail detail1 {

blah blah

blah blah


and now make a second file (you can do it all in one file but I find
it neater to use seperate files for each function!) called detail2 with the contents

detail detail2 {

blah blah

blah blah


now, in the configuration files...where it calls 'detail' change that to have
detail1 and detail2  (on 2 lines)

there. done


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