vs ippoll configuration

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Mon Dec 13 21:13:50 CET 2010

Arne Larsen wrote:
> Hi all.
> I*m new to freeradius and I'm trying to get it working with an pool af
> ip.addr.
> Can someone tell me how this works exactly.

  Read raddb/modules/ippool

> I can se that the pool is defined n the modules under freeradius2, and
> the declaration seems straight forward.
> But when I try to test the config with the radtrest I can't see any
> address in the responce.
> steve   Cleartext-Password := "testing", Pool-Name := "main_pool"
> What am I missing here ??

  Run it in debugging mode, as suggested in the FAQ, README, web page,
"man" page, and daily on this list.

  Really.  Don't argue.  Don't ask questions.  Just do it.

  Alan DeKok.

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