about kick off oldest user

S Adrian dexter at d3xt3r01.tk
Mon Dec 27 10:34:24 CET 2010

neah .. I think he has problems with timeout's and users can't reconnect
because they're already connected ?... I did some ip-up scripting to radzap
the old connection if there is any ..

2010/12/27 Martín Ruiz [Ibersystems.es] <martinruiz at ibersystems.es>

> LOL, only to know.. why you need to do this? If you kick the older user,
> you'll become the older user, and the other will kick you.. Only faster will
> survive for minutes... xD
> 2010/12/27 Spacelee <fjctlzy at gmail.com>
>> Hi, everyone.
>> I have set an attribute Simultaneous-Use := 1 to an account name Test, and
>> when I use Test to double login, I will get the authentication failed the
>> second time, what I want is when I login the second time, the server just
>> kick off the first login of Test, is it possible? Do I need to change the
>> source code if I need to implement this function?
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> *Space Lee*
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>  * Martín Ruiz*
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> http://www.ibersystems.es
> martinruiz at ibersystems.es
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