pfSense + PPTP + FreeRADIUS + LDAP

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Feb 2 20:27:57 CET 2010

Fabio Rampazzo Mathias wrote:
> yes and couldn't find anything saying "Auth-Type = Local"...but I think
> this isn't the most important problem. I've used "grep" to search.

  A database?

> I've sent just a part of debug because I've thought this is the part
> which really matters. 
> Is there any other you need ?

  The whole debug output, as suggested in the FAQ, README, INSTALL,
"man" page...

> Ok. This means that PPTP needs MS-CHAP auth, and MS-CHAP needs Clear
> Password or NT Hash. How do I enable my FreeRADIUS to authenticate in
> LDAP using NT Hash ? Is there a way to do this ?

  Install 2.1.8.  Put an NT-hash into the appropriate LDAP attribute.
(See ldap.attrmap)  It will work.

  Alan DeKok.

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