radius for linux authentication

Nicolas Goutte nicolas.goutte at extragroup.de
Thu Feb 11 11:35:20 CET 2010

Am 11.02.2010 um 11:20 schrieb sri.b at aol.in:

> Hi List,
> I have configured my linux devices to use freeRadius (freeRadius  
> 1.1.5 with MySQL backend) authentication.
> Installation of pam library went well and am able to get  
> authenticated against my freeRadius server.
> Now the problem is how to identify a user like root have same name  
> on multiple machines. For this I observed that this PAM library is  
> sending Calling-Station-Id in Access-Request packets.
> I did modify my radcheck table to have entires as following:
> +----+-----------+--------------------+----+----------------+
> | id | UserName  | Attribute          | op | Value          |
> +----+-----------+--------------------+----+----------------+
> |  1 | linuxuser | Password           | == | radpwd         |
> | 12 | root      | Calling-Station-Id | == | |
> | 11 | root      | Password           | == | 10radpwd       |
> | 10 | root      | Password           | == | 61radpwd       |
> | 13 | root      | Calling-Station-Id | == |  |
> + 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Try using := instead of == for setting in passwords.

> But the failed to authenticate.
> Please suggest what could be the problem, ASAP.
> Also, are there any other ways to handle this kind of situation.
> Appreciate your help.
> Regards,
> Sri.
> -
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Have a nice day!

Nicolas Goutte

extragroup GmbH - Karlsruhe
Waldstr. 49
76133 Karlsruhe

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