radiusd not responding to radtest

Colin Byelong c.byelong at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Feb 16 15:05:19 CET 2010

Hi Alan,

I figured out that I would need to add a test user in the users file, 
thanks for looking at it though.
We are still testing in the lab, we hope to use this to replace our 
existing Orps thats running radiator, so we are trying to configure a 
server that will use EAP-TTLS with a PAP inner that talks to a LDAP 
backend for ucl.ac.uk users and sends everything else to the NRPS,  I 
expect i'll be sending another post soon.



> Hi,
>> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 46723, id=155,
>> length=56
>>           User-Name = "test"
>>           User-Password = "test"
>>           NAS-IP-Address =
>>           NAS-Port = 0
>> +- entering group authorize {...}
>> ++[preprocess] returns ok
>> ++[chap] returns noop
>> ++[mschap] returns noop
>> [suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "test", looking up realm NULL
>> [suffix] No such realm "NULL"
>> ++[suffix] returns noop
>> [eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
>> ++[eap] returns noop
>> ++[unix] returns notfound
>> ++[files] returns noop
>> ++[expiration] returns noop
>> ++[logintime] returns noop
> this means the user 'test' was not found - in either the passwd file,
> the users file ('files' module default location) and it wasnt an EAP message
> to the EAP module did nothing.
> if you add
> test Cleartext-Password := "test"
> to the users file and restart, you'll have success...this is a very basic test
> alan
> -
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Colin Byelong                             Email: C.Byelong at ucl.ac.uk
Senior Network Development Officer
Network Group
Information Systems Division
University College London
Gower Street                              Phone: 020 7679-2572
London WC1E 6BT

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