FreeRadius and MacOSX 10.6

Fabien COMBERNOUS fcombernous at
Tue Feb 23 19:41:30 CET 2010

Hi there,

I'm trying to setup a freeRadius on MacOSX host 10.6. This OS use 
FreeRADIUS Version 2.1.3.

I'm looking for informations about how to permit  a client device to ask 
an  IP address when it is plugged on the network. The switch forward the 
request to radius server. The radius server ask to opendirectory (ldap) 
if the client is allowed (Mac Address check) and in which vlan. Then if 
the client is allowed the port of the switch is configured in the vlan 
specified by opendirectory.

All informations are welcome.
/unix system engineer/ <>
*Tel: +33 (0) 467 992 986*
Kezia Group

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