FreeRadius and MacOSX 10.6

Fabien COMBERNOUS fcombernous at
Wed Feb 24 09:55:32 CET 2010

Alan DeKok wrote:
> Fabien COMBERNOUS wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm trying to setup a freeRadius on MacOSX host 10.6. This OS use
>> FreeRADIUS Version 2.1.3.
>> I'm looking for informations about how to permit  a client device to ask
>> an  IP address when it is plugged on the network.
>   Is this for PPP?
>   (a) Yes: use the ippool / sqlippool module.
>   (b) No: use DHCP.
It is not for ppp. I'm already using dhcp.

In a first step, i would like to dynamically assign  a vlan to the port 
of my switch in function of the mac address where the device is plugged. 
I would like to add a device in the opendirectory, and specifying its 
mac address and the vlan this mac address have to use. Then when a 
device is plugged on a port of my switch, it asks to freeradius if this 
device is allowed. Then the radius ask to opendirectory, the directory 
answer by no or yes. If yes it also give the vlan number to assign.

Now my switch is able to talk with my freeradius server.

/unix system engineer/ <>
*Tel: +33 (0) 467 992 986*
Kezia Group

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