Authcheck table and groupreply table on two different databases

1839Paolo 1839 at
Thu Feb 25 15:17:45 CET 2010

Hello everybody, I’ll present myself as a new subscriber; my name is Paolo,
I’m from Italy and I work as sysadm at Università di Urbino.

The easy think, the question: it’s possible to setup authcheck_table into a
database/host and both groupcheck_table, groupreply_table into a different

Now I’ll try to explain the goal, else if that will be not as easy. Ad maybe
someone will lead me to a working solution. Maybe will lead to a quite
different approach.

We have, of course, down there some nice application to manage things, like
student, staff etc.; those applications do have their own proprietary
databases and they’re authoritative on fields like anagraphics and else
usernames and passwords. In an effort to clean that nightly mess of batch
scripts transferring credentials around, we decided to leave data where they
live, into authoritative databases.

It’s easy to pull username/password from a proprietary database, just know
where fields are; but I cannot alter the database’s structure and I need
some group related radius attributes, say Session-Timeout. I know what the
group is, I just ran a query on a student account so the group is stud. I
need now to pass ‘stud’ to an authorize_group_reply_query, but must be on a
different database.

Any hint? And thanks in advance. 


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