ntlm_auth and Server 2008 R2 issues

Walter Gould gouldwp at auburn.edu
Fri Feb 26 21:11:12 CET 2010

Alan Buxey wrote:
> Hi,
>>   Samba 4 will be a full member of an AD domain.  It will have access to
>>  the NT hashed passwords.  It will (presumably) be able to export them
>> via LDAP, like a real LDAP server.
> oooh! yippee!

So help me out here - what exactly does that mean?  And, how will it 
help us?

> anyway, regarding initial issue.... samba 3.4.3 might fix the issue
> but it must also be ntoed that microsoft implemented a new security
> thing for NTLM Authentication in Win 7 and server 2008 R2 - perhaps
> the initial poster is becoming unstuck because of a policy
> on the server ? 
> eg http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd560653%28WS.10%29.aspx
> (why do i feel dirty for posting a technet URL? ;-))
Thanks for posting this Alan..  I will run this by our AD admin.  Maybe 
(hopefully), it is a server policy that is screwing us.


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