Major noob question about freeradius

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Mon Jan 18 23:45:07 CET 2010


> I'm not the ultimate FreeRADIUS authority, but I think you'll find RADIUS is a poor solution for this, if indeed a solution at all.

I'd say the same thing - SAMBA on a Linux box will easily do this in the 'windows way'.

to use FreeRADIUS to control windows login (ie system login) you need to install
extra Gina things - and pGina is the best of these (though no longer developed IIRC)

FreeRADIUS is the main King when it comes to network login - either 802.1X on wired,
wireless (WPA/WPA2 enterprise) or even backend system for captive portal


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