Pam radius client and binding to mulitple IPs

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Jan 27 01:20:33 CET 2010

Chris Tong wrote:
> The problem I am having is that I have an OpenVPN "proxy hub"  that has
> 3 external IP addresses.
> ... However if the user connects to INT2 the NAS requset still
> has the source IP address of INT1 and therefore the user is rejected
> because he is not a member of the INT1 grouping.

  The PAM module doesn't have a configuration option for "use this local
IP address"

> Is it possible to have multiple instances of the radius plugin each
> binding to a different interface so that the request seen by the Radius
> server via the PAM plugin has the correct source address? 

  The module will have to be updated to add that capability.

  Alan DeKok.

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