Enabling / disabling active directory users

Neil Prockter n.prockter at lse.ac.uk
Wed Jun 16 21:48:49 CEST 2010

On 16/06/10 14:18, Iain Grant wrote:
> We have on site a Windows 2008 RC2 domain controller ( 64-bit ) which I
> have a linux based freeradius server hanging from.
> My question is, other than changing the users file on the freeradius
> server, is there another way of disabling a user from authentication
> through the radius server but still allow them access via the active
> directory route.
Have a group for users who may access via radius and use that in the
ldap module's groupmembership_filter.

(warning: treat my advice with caution I'm a novice here.)
> So for example, a user can log in quite happily on site using their
> windows machine.
> If they go offsite and try authentication via the radius server they
> will not be allowed.
> Does active directory have a flag or something that can be set against
> the user account to deny access via a radius link.
> Thanks
> Iain
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