eduroam PEAP + TTLS

Jean-Philippe Ghibaudo legdf at
Mon Jun 21 15:21:19 CEST 2010


I need to have EAP-TTLS working with LDAP bind and PEAP-MSCHAPV2 with 
Samba + Winbind + Active Directory.

I've got winbind very unstable... I can successfully authenticate using 
eapol_test but a few minutes later, I've got a

MPPE keys mismatch. If I restart winbind, I can authenticate few times and then, it stops working.

I'm not really sure to understand how I have to set "Auth-Type" in inner-tunnel and/or default (sites-enabled).

I've got :

        Auth-Type MS-CHAP {

and then

        Auth-Type LDAP {

in the authenticate section. I've got mschap then ldap in authorize section.

Is there a mistake here ?

This is the end of the output of eapol_test for PEAP when it fails :

RADIUS packet matching with station
decapsulated EAP packet (code=1 id=11 len=91) from RADIUS server: EAP-Request-PEAP (25)
EAPOL: Received EAP-Packet frame
EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state REQUEST
EAPOL: getSuppRsp
EAP: EAP entering state RECEIVED
EAP: Received EAP-Request id=11 method=25 vendor=0 vendorMethod=0
EAP: EAP entering state METHOD
SSL: Received packet(len=91) - Flags 0x00
EAP-PEAP: received 85 bytes encrypted data for Phase 2
EAP-PEAP: Decrypted Phase 2 EAP - hexdump(len=47): 1a 03 0a 00 2e 53 3d 39 38 37 31 42 31 30 45 38 46 35 35 36 30 41 44 34 37 32 36 36 34 43 34 43 35 45 31 42 32 46 34 39 44 35 36 46 39 39 36
EAP-PEAP: received Phase 2: code=1 identifier=11 length=51
EAP-PEAP: Phase 2 Request: type=26
EAP-MSCHAPV2: RX identifier 11 mschapv2_id 10
EAP-MSCHAPV2: Received success
EAP-MSCHAPV2: Invalid authenticator response in success request
EAP: method process -> ignore=FALSE methodState=MAY_CONT decision=FAIL
EAP: EAP entering state SEND_RESPONSE
EAP: EAP entering state IDLE
Signal 2 received - terminating
EAPOL: EAP key not available
EAP: deinitialize previously used EAP method (25, PEAP) at EAP deinit
ENGINE: engine deinit
MPPE keys OK: 0  mismatch: 1

And then this is the end of the output when it works.

RADIUS packet matching with station
MS-MPPE-Send-Key (sign) - hexdump(len=32): 82 7a 3e ac 0f 7c c7 93 ac af fb d3 02 d7 bd 84 61 44 62 82 82 8b 3d e0 f2 47 27 30 9c a6 12 cb
MS-MPPE-Recv-Key (crypt) - hexdump(len=32): fb 0b 78 97 7c 84 13 38 ba 36 77 b8 88 2b b2 9f 3b 79 4c 87 a7 fa 68 e0 3a e6 0c 47 4d 43 34 5c
decapsulated EAP packet (code=3 id=12 len=4) from RADIUS server: EAP Success
EAPOL: Received EAP-Packet frame
EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state REQUEST
EAPOL: getSuppRsp
EAP: EAP entering state RECEIVED
EAP: Received EAP-Success
EAP: EAP entering state SUCCESS
CTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS EAP authentication completed successfully
EAPOL: IEEE 802.1X for plaintext connection; no EAPOL-Key frames required
WPA: EAPOL processing complete
EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state RECEIVE
EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state SUCCESS
EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state IDLE
eapol_sm_cb: success=1
EAPOL: Successfully fetched key (len=32)
PMK from EAPOL - hexdump(len=32): fb 0b 78 97 7c 84 13 38 ba 36 77 b8 88 2b b2 9f 3b 79 4c 87 a7 fa 68 e0 3a e6 0c 47 4d 43 34 5c
EAP: deinitialize previously used EAP method (25, PEAP) at EAP deinit
ENGINE: engine deinit
MPPE keys OK: 1  mismatch: 0

I finally notice that if I use eapol_test for an TTLS authentication, then, immediately, PEAP doesn't work anymore. If I restart winbind, it works again.

I really don't understand... And because I don't know where is the problem, I've got some difficulties to give you the good informations.

Thank you for your help !


From: legdf at
To: freeradius-users at
Subject: RE: eduroam PEAP + TTLS
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 13:18:45 +0000


Here is my eap.conf.

    eap {

        default_eap_type = peap

        timer_expire     = 60

        ignore_unknown_eap_types = yes        

        cisco_accounting_username_bug = no

        max_sessions = 4096

        tls {

            certdir = ${confdir}/certs
            cadir = ${confdir}/certs

            private_key_file = ${certdir}/cert.key

            certificate_file = ${certdir}/cert-3169-cert.pem

            CA_file = ${cadir}/chain-3169-cert.pem

            dh_file = ${certdir}/dh
            random_file = ${certdir}/random

            cipher_list = "DEFAULT"

            make_cert_command = "${certdir}/bootstrap"

            cache {

                  enable = no

                  lifetime = 24 # hours

                  max_entries = 255

        ttls {

            default_eap_type = md5

            copy_request_to_tunnel = yes

            use_tunneled_reply = yes

            virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"

            include_length = yes

        peap {

            default_eap_type = mschapv2

            copy_request_to_tunnel = yes
            use_tunneled_reply = yes

            proxy_tunneled_request_as_eap = yes

            virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"

        mschapv2 {

I'm sorry

> Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 13:27:28 +0100
> From: A.L.M.Buxey at
> To: freeradius-users at
> Subject: Re: eduroam PEAP + TTLS
> Hi,
> > So this is the true question, what error in my configuration can cause this ?
> I cannot read minds..and you havent supplied eg eap.conf (obfuscated as is reasonable)
> alan
> -
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