Radius auth with LDAP back-end

Mark Watts m.watts at eris.qinetiq.com
Tue Mar 2 15:05:03 CET 2010

I have a requirement to provide central authentication for a variety of
Networking and Unix/Linux Server devices. Network devices are to
authenticate using RADIUS, and Servers are to authenticate using LDAP.

Getting the Unix/Linux -> LDAP authentication working is something I'm
reasonably familiar with.
RADIUS is not.

I've come across this page which seems to cover what I want from


However, some of the comments in /etc/raddb/modules/ldap about setting
"Auth-Type = LDAP" concern me.

Can someone with knowledge of this kind of setup please advise on the
best way forward?



Mark Watts BSc RHCE MBCS
Senior Systems Engineer, Managed Services Manpower
QinetiQ - Delivering customer-focused solutions
GPG Key: http://www.linux-corner.info/mwatts.gpg
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