Dynamically assign realm name when using DEFAULT realm

Jer Peterson gamerj at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 16:08:39 CET 2010

I am using FreeRADIUS Version 1.1.3, for host i686-redhat-linux-gnu


I am trying to take the username of a format 'realm/username' and have
FreeRADIUS take the 'realm' and pass it on in a sql query using %{Realm} and
take the 'username' and pass it on with %{SQL-User-Name}.  I have found I
can do a DEFAULT realm, but the realm is passed on as DEFAULT instead of the
name of the realm that was tried.


Is there  a better way to get the realm the user entered and pass it on in a
SQL query?


I have a SQL table with usernames and locations.  When a user authenticates
I want the username to match the username field only if the realm matches
the location field in the database. 



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