TLS/SSL Error?

Mike Diggins mike.diggins at
Thu Mar 18 20:55:56 CET 2010

I just recently enabled a WPA SSID on our wireless network. PEAP with
MSCHAP V2 is the EAP method. As far as I know it's working correctly
(from all my test clients anyway), but I have seen a number of these
messages logged (FreeRadius 2.1.3) and I don't know where they're coming
from. My Free radius server has a Thawte Certificate installed. I'm not
sure what the message means?

Mar 18 15:01:01 rad01 radiusd[8452]: TLS Alert read:fatal:unknown CA

Mar 18 15:01:01 rad01 radiusd[8452]: TLS_accept:failed in SSLv3 read
client certificate A

Mar 18 15:01:01 rad01 radiusd[8452]: rlm_eap: SSL error
error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca

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