plz help me: access-reject

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Wed May 5 12:19:29 CEST 2010


> Hi. im used freeradius 2.1.8. Please can somebody give me an example of configuration of files to do na simple test with radiusd -X.
> because i'm testing now a local client and the result is reject. I modify onlu users and that anought?
> 1/I add on Users:
> "sonia" Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "salut"
> Reply-Message = "Hello, %u",
> Reply-Message = "are you fine, %u"
you've already had replies about this.

this config is wrong

> I'm also trying another exemple:
> "sonia" Cleartext-Password := "salut"

that config is correct


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