R: rlm_ippool: No available ip addresses in pool

Tabacchiera Stefano stefano.tabacchiera at lottomatica.it
Wed May 5 16:49:43 CEST 2010

>> Ok, you're right, but in my case I know the client session can't last more than 24hrs.
>> So, for me it's ok to remove all *inactive* entries older than that.
>> But, as far as I know, this seems to be impossible with gdm pool.
>> So, what the "maximum_timeout" parameter is useful for ???

>  It sets the timeout when entries are expired.  Your tests (so you say)
>don't go for 24 hours... so that timeout doesn't apply.

Alan, that's wrong.

I've done my tests with an ad-hoc pool, with maximum_timeout set at 10 secs.
And the results I posted came from a new test session done the day after the first test.
(24 hrs >> 10 secs)

Why that timeout doesn't apply?

>> So I need a method to avoid my pool being filled up by missing acct-stop.
>  You were told a method which should work.  Try it.

Surely I'll switch to sql pool, but what I observe is that dbm pool are useless, if I can't set a timeout *that works* on that.


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