Freeradius privilege separation

Michał Dopierała michu162 at
Thu May 13 15:23:37 CEST 2010


It is possible in freeradius to have one user who has full privilege level
to one equipment (one cisco router privilege lvl15), and limited privilege
level to other equipment (other router with smaller privilege e.g. lvl10
which will be configured on router)?
How to separate it?
My current configuration of users:

 mdopierala      Auth-Type := PAP, Crypt-Password = "passwrd"
                Service-Type = "Administrative-User",
                Brocade-Auth-Role ="Administrator"

and part of clienf.conf

client {
        secret = community
        shortname = router1
client {
        secret = community
        shortname = router2

I'm waiting for response
Michal Dopierala
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