Diameter roaming

VU VAN HUNG vanhung2205 at gmail.com
Fri May 14 12:06:32 CEST 2010

Alan DeKok wrote:
> VU VAN HUNG wrote:
>> Do anyones know why Diameter support faster roaming than RADIUS ?
>   It doesn't.
I means roaming between 2 client with 1 AAA Server in network (ex: 
wireless mesh network). Is roaming with Diameter faster than with Radius?
>> I've read some references but I dont understand.
>   Diameter is useful if you have an ISP / phone company with 10 million
> users, and $5-10 million to spend on a Diameter infrastructure.  And
> even then, it doesn't do authentication or accounting.
I'm sure that Diameter do authentication and accounting.
Check it out,


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