sql wont pass radtest

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Wed May 26 20:41:14 CEST 2010

Robert Wilkinson wrote:
> Hello.
> After lots of reading and time testing I have been unable to get sql to
> authenticate with using radtest. Am I having issues with the the DB
> setup? I am having no problems with the "users" file. But there seems to
> be nothing to pursue with the SQL issues. I am almost moved to tears..
> and tearing my hair out.

  The Wiki contains good instructions for configuring SQL.

> I want to setup a wireless hotspot. I have spent 4 days tring to get my
> mind around this. I have uncommented the "SQL" lines where needed.

  The debug log doesn't show this.

  You need to edit raddb/sites-available/default, and look for "sql".

> Is it my database or the options I have made. I have spent lots of time
> on the wiki and mailing list, to the point that confusion now reigns.
> There needs to be a way for simple setups
> to be made easy.


  It needs to be updated for 2.x, but the basic idea is there.

> here is my freeradius -X 

  Which shows it does not load the SQL module, and does not use the SQL
module when it receives a packet.

  Alan DeKok.

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