Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit - Not enforced on first logon but is on subsequent logons...

Shane Hart shane at sme.net.au
Sat Nov 27 11:44:24 CET 2010

Hi all,

Doing some trials with freeradius 2.x with the intention of moving from

I have an odd problem with mikrotik nas.
An account with download limit will not enforce the limit on the first
logon but will on subsequent logons.
On the first logon, no limit is imposed in mikrotik and the account can
use unlimited traffic. If I log off then log on again, the limit is
enforced... (I have checked in winbox and the "limit bytes in" column is
not populated on first logon).

It is taking me a while to get use to v2 of freeradius.


Setup details below:

User account has attribute Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit := 10471200 in radcheck
Do I need to have something in radreply as this is where the shaping is

In: sql/mysql/counter.conf

sqlcounter downloadbytecounter {
            counter-name = Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit
            check-name = Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit
            reply-name = Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit
            sqlmod-inst = sql
            key = User-Name
            reset = never
            query = "SELECT SUM(acctoutputoctets) FROM radacct WHERE

In sites-available/default

authorize {

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