Defining an Auth-Type based on a realm

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Tue Oct 12 17:40:01 CEST 2010

On 12/10/10 16:31, Mathew Rowley wrote:
> Ah, I was misunderstanding the proxy functionality. I thought it was
> only used for proxying radius requests to other radius servers.
> I was having a problem with configuring the users file. Why will this
> set Auth-Type:
> DEFAULT Realm == "realm", Auth-Type := Kerberos
> And this will not:
> DEFAULT Realm == "realm"
> Auth-Type := Kerberos
> Looking through the examples in the users file, it seems like it should
> (assuming the examples work):
> DEFAULT Hint == "SLIP"
> Framed-Protocol = SLIP

No. Read the docs for the "users" file (man users). "users" syntax is:

key [comparison to request list, assignments to control list]
    assignments to reply list #1,
    assignments to reply list #2,

Setting "Auth-Type := Kerberos" on the 1st line sets a control item. 
Setting it on the 2nd or subsequent lines sets it in the reply items, 
where it's meaningless.

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