Re: Problems -- rad_verify: invalid signature (err=2)! (shared secret is incorrect)

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Oct 25 12:42:39 CEST 2010

Xiaochen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using Fedora 12 and Freeradius 1.2.9 

  What is "1.2.9" ?

> to do some COA test. 
> When AAA sends Disconnect-request to my AGW, the AGW reply with a
> Disconnect-ACK, and my MS disconnects.
> But the rad_verify says: 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Received Disconnect-ACK packet from clinet port 3799 with invalid
> signature (err=2)! (shared secret is incorrect.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> In fact the shared secret is correct!!!

  No... it's not.  Either the shared secret is incorrect, *or* the
RADIUS server doesn't implement MD5 correctly, *or* the RADIUS client
doesn't implement MD5 correctly.

  There are no other choices.

  Alan DeKok.

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