FreeRadius + MySQL + Multiple Dynamic Clients

Tyler Nally tnally at
Fri Oct 29 05:33:53 CEST 2010

Right... Ok.. so are these different traveling mobile offices in 
documentation of what is called a VLAN (with a dynamic IP to the 
internet side of the router that in turn hands out IP's to it's clients) ?

Somehow the router authenticates by something secret that only it and 
the FreeRadius server knows .. and then the user authenticates via 
user/password FreeRadius a different way. Assuming the router has to 
authenticate successfully first before the users turn.

I don't want FreeRadius to hand out IP's.  I think I want the AP to do that.

On 10/28/2010 05:13 PM, Peter Lambrechtsen wrote:
> Dynamic Clients would only apply to the NAS's (ie the WNR834v2 Access
> Points) and not the workstations connecting to the APs.  As the
> Workstations / users would just be users.
> So either you allow anyone from the internet (or restrict it down to
> certain IP addresses which the Mobile Provider issues as DHCP addresses)
> to connect to your FreeRadius server.
> Otherwise perhaps your Mobile provider may offer a "private office"
> Mobile broadband offering so by specifying a different APN on the router
> you get put into a certain IP address pool by the Telco and you don't
> route your FreeRadius AAA over the internet.

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