Solved: interpret check-Item and change reply-item to set VLAN

Michael Bathe michael.bathe at
Tue Sep 14 09:35:15 CEST 2010

Thanks for reply!

I have solved my attempt to set VLAN-Group-ID based on checkItem by
insert this line in post-auth section of 'sites-available/default'
$INCLUDE ${confdir}/setTunnelGroup

In the file setTunnelGroup I insert this:
if (reply:SectionNetwork == "sec11") {
    update reply {
        Tunnel-Private-Group-ID :=111

In file 'dictionary' I add this line:
ATTRIBUTE      SectionNetwork           4000    string

In file 'ldap.attrmap' I add this line:
replyItem       SectionNetwork                  sectionNetwork

@ Phil:
My problem is that the value of ldap-attribute is not correspond to the
vlan name in our cisco switch at this time.

LG Michael

Am 13.09.2010 16:10, schrieb Alan DeKok:
> Michael Bathe wrote:
>> is there any how_to or solution to interpret the ldap checkItem and
>> change the replyItem (I think in inner-tunnel)?
>> f.e.: If the checkItem match one of 'sec11', 'Sec11', 'SEC11'... the
>> replyItem should be set to '111'.
> $ man unlang
>   The ldap module doesn't do generic comparison or setting of
> attributes.  Neither does the "users" file.
>   But the "unlang" policy language does.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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Michael Bathe

Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1803
Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1730
Email: michael.bathe at

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum - GFZ
Stiftung des Öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
Telegrafenberg G257, D-14473 Potsdam

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