Error: "Discarding duplicate request..."

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Thu Sep 16 16:39:19 CEST 2010

On 16/09/10 15:27, Mike Diggins wrote:
> I am running NTLM_AUTH for mschap authentication with an MS AD at the back
> end. I suppose that could be the culprit. If so, is upgrading FreeRadius
> likely to resolve that (not knowing exactly what the problem is). Anything
> I could configure at the FreeRadius end to make that work a bit better?

It would be a bit surprising for ntlm_auth to take that long, unless 
your AD controllers are very heavily loaded or are very distant. It 
takes ~30 milliseconds to auth a user/challenge pair in our installation.

You could try restarting winbind - maybe it's gone crazy or eaten a load 
of RAM or something.

If it is ntlm_auth, upgrading FreeRadius probably won't help (unless you 
take advantage of the SSL session resumption available in later versions 
to avoid doing some of the auths on re-auth)

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