Originate COA home_server

Johan Meiring jmeiring at pcservices.co.za
Wed Sep 22 04:34:26 CEST 2010


I've configured originate COA using the originate-coa as an example.

My (relevant/edited for privacy) configuration looks like this:

client {
   secret = verysecret
   shortname = test
   nastype = other
   virtual_server = my_virtual_server
   coa_server = my-coa

home_server my-coa {
   type = coa
   ipaddr =
   port = 3799
   secret = blah
   coa {
     irt = 2
     mrt = 16
     mrc = 5
     mrd = 30

home_server_pool blah {
         type = fail-over
         home_server = my-coa

This works perfectly.

The home_server_pool seems unnecesary though, but if I leave it out, 
freeradius -X complains that the home_server does not exist.

/etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/my-config[1]: No such home_server or 
home_server_pool "my-coa"

It almost seems that the home_server_pool is neccesary to "instantiate" the 

Reading proxy.conf and the originate-coa example, it seems that a 
home_server_pool is only neccesary if you want to actually 
fail-over/round-robin, etc....

I'm sure I can leave the config as is, as the home_server_pool is never 
actually referenced.

Am I completely confused?


Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
Tel: (021) 883-8271
Fax: (021) 886-7782

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