users match list criteria and vendor identification

Cameron Wood cameron.e.wood at
Thu Sep 23 09:23:58 CEST 2010

In the clients.conf file is it possible to make custom variables and then
test for those/match them in the users file?

What I'd like to do is create a variable called vendorname and use that to
dictate what stub in the users file gets hit depending on the make/platform
of the equipment in question, and then further filter that using huntgroups.

Can anyone tell me if any of that is possible?


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 09:16, Cameron Wood <cameron.e.wood at>wrote:

> Thanks for the reply.
> Resigned to the fact that I will have to distinguish my vendors/devices in
> the clients.conf file, is there a way in this file to put multiple hosts in
> a single statement, other than by using a netmask?
> Cheers
> Cam.
> --
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 17:46, Phil Mayers <p.mayers at>wrote:
>> On 09/22/2010 08:12 AM, Cameron Wood wrote:
>>> Does Freeradius have a way for me to see the packet sent to it?
>>> I've already tried running it with the -X flag, but that isn't showing
>>> enough detail.
>> That's all the detail there is. FreeRadius shows the full packet as it is
>> received; what more should it show?
>> In answer to your question, no, most NASes don't send a vendor ID.
>> Sometimes they send VSAs, so you can infer the vendor from those, but other
>> times you'll get near-identical requests from two different NASes, and if
>> you want to tell them apart (so that you know which one to send VSAa back
>> to) you have to use different "clients {}" blocks and go from there.
>> It's a shame the original radius specs didn't include a vendor ID, but
>> that can be said about a lot of attributes - it's an old (venerable)
>> protocol.
>> -
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