Radrelay and off-server accounting

Etienne Pretorius etiennep at kingsley.co.za
Fri Apr 15 12:10:24 CEST 2011

Hello List,

[IPASS] Looking up realm "IPASS" for User-Name = "IPASS/*USERNAME*"
[IPASS] Found realm "IPASS"
[IPASS] Adding Realm = "IPASS"
[IPASS] Proxying request from user *USERNAME* to realm IPASS
[IPASS] Preparing to proxy accounting request to realm "IPASS" 

There is no packet that leaves this server (tcpdump agrees), which is
correct since it is a radrelayed packet. The server that radrelayed the
request never receives a response from the server whose freeradius -X
dump is attached in the previous email.

Kind Regards,
Etienne Pretorius

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