Freeradius + EAP-TLS + LDAP

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Wed Apr 20 12:56:59 CEST 2011


> Thanks, I'll start to do this. Machine account name should work for me.
> Any hints, or how to do this? Is there somewhere an example availlable 
> to start with?
> I'am new to FR 2.1 and it's hard to make even my old config work on the 
> test-maschine.

after altering ntlm_auth command line in the default config, the default config
just works with machine authentication(*), if you've edited things, or dropped an old
config into the /etc/raddb config space then things will be 'interesting'


(*) obviously clients.conf and ldap and eap config need to be edited as required ;-)

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