MySQL support in freeradius 3.0.0

akinpelu emmanuel efakinpelu at
Thu Apr 21 14:55:22 CEST 2011

Hi All,
I am installing Free Radius 3.0.0
I am having problem compiling mysql support even when I used the required options. Please below the output from ./configure
[root at AbujaBAX1 frad]# ./configure --with-mysql-lib-dir=/home/oracle/mysql/mysql-5.1.31-linux-i686-glibc23/lib/ --with-mysql-include-dir=/home/oracle/mysql/mysql-5.1.31-linux-i686-glibc23/include/ |grep warn
configure: WARNING: snmpget not found - Simultaneous-Use and may not work
configure: WARNING: snmpwalk not found - Simultaneous-Use and may not work
configure: WARNING: silently not building rlm_eap_ikev2.
configure: WARNING: FAILURE: rlm_eap_ikev2 requires:  libeap-ikev2 EAPIKEv2/connector.h.
configure: WARNING: the TNCS library isn't found!
configure: WARNING: silently not building rlm_eap_tnc.
configure: WARNING: FAILURE: rlm_eap_tnc requires:  -lTNCS.
configure: WARNING: EVP_sha256 not found, may have issues wirh WiMAX certificates
configure: WARNING: silently not building rlm_sql_iodbc.
configure: WARNING: FAILURE: rlm_sql_iodbc requires: libiodbc isql.h.
configure: WARNING: MySQL libraries not found. Use --with-mysql-lib-dir=<path>.
configure: WARNING: MySQL headers not found. Use --with-mysql-include-dir=<path>.
configure: WARNING: silently not building rlm_sql_mysql.
configure: WARNING: FAILURE: rlm_sql_mysql requires: libmysqlclient_r mysql.h.
configure: WARNING: silently not building rlm_sql_postgresql.
configure: WARNING: FAILURE: rlm_sql_postgresql requires:  libpq-fe.h libpq.
configure: WARNING: oracle headers not found.  Use --with-oracle-include-dir=<path>.
configure: WARNING: silently not building rlm_sql_oracle.
configure: WARNING: FAILURE: rlm_sql_oracle requires: oci.h.
configure: WARNING: silently not building rlm_sql_unixodbc.
configure: WARNING: FAILURE: rlm_sql_unixodbc requires: libodbc sql.h.

Any help would be appreciated.

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