MS-CHAP-V2 with no retry

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Apr 27 09:11:30 CEST 2011

John.Hayward at wrote:
>> From your perspective which approach to getting retry enabled working do 
> you recommend for 2.11 so we can be testing the same version:
> o my tweaks of Phil's single "challenge" patch
> o Phil's challenge and password change patches
> o a simpler two patch solution which does not do passwords - the
> challenge patch and a rearrangement patch which detects responses to
> retry challenges?

  I'd like the changes to be split logically.

(1) changes to allow retry for EAP-MSCHAPv2
(2) MS-CHAP password changes.

  Failing that, I'd prefer to test Phil's changes as-is.  They seem to
do everything you need, and they're a known quantity.

> Is there any thing I can do to help get this accomplished?

  More testing. :(

  Alan DeKok.

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