configuration freeradius for no simultaneous use

Fajar A. Nugraha list at
Fri Dec 2 10:51:13 CET 2011

2011/12/2 Толик Шавловский <tolik_shavlovsky at>:
> Dear Alan,

I assume you want help from anyone, not just Alan, so I'll add some
comments here.

> i am not good acquainted with freeradius. So, from doc/Simultaneous-use i understood that freeradius requres script, which will connect to NAS and check user session. Am i right?

That's one way to do that (and possibly the most accurate way). But
not the ONLY way.

You can make it work without the script, if you store accounting data
in sql. See (for example) raddb/sql/mysql/dialup.conf, look for
"simul_count_query" and "simul_verify_query". But again, you need to
store accounting data for it to work.


> 02 декабря 2011, 12:43 от "Fajar A. Nugraha" <list at>:
>> On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 3:37 PM, tolik_shavlovsky at
>> <tolik_shavlovsky at> wrote:
>> > Dear Alan,
>> >
>> > i added  Simultaneous-Use = 1 to user profile in users file.
>> Did you read the doc? Or the reply I sent earlier?
>> It requires MORE than just that.

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