authentetication with mysql and NAS type= other
Fajar A. Nugraha
list at
Thu Dec 8 08:45:29 CET 2011
2011/12/8 Толик Шавловский <tolik_shavlovsky at>:
> Hi,
> mysql> use freeradius;
> Database changed
> mysql> select * from radcheck;
> +----+-----------------+--------------------+----+------------------+
> | id | username | attribute | op | value |
> +----+-----------------+--------------------+----+------------------+
> | 1 | user | Password | == | user |
> | 3 | test at | Cleartext-Password | := | test |
> | 5 | test1 at | Cleartext-Password | := | test |
> | 10 | user | Simultaneous-Use | := | 1 |
> | 8 | test at | Framed-Filter-Id | := | SP=data:MSF=data |
> | 9 | test1 at | Framed-Filter-Id | := | SP=data:MSF=data |
> +----+-----------------+--------------------+----+------------------+
There's no user called 'KeepAliveUserNameAndPassword'
> Wimax cannot. I don't know why it uses username = 'KeepAliveUserNameAndPassword', like in the debug??
Because the NAS sends it. If you think it shouldn't, examine the NAS
config. Or ask the NAS vendor.
The log doesn't lie. Did you ACTUALLY test authentication with a
client connecting to the NAS? Or did you just start up FR in debug
mode and hope there would be a packet from the NAS?
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