freeradius first hour free ???

Milenko Letic mikoletic at
Mon Dec 26 13:03:54 CET 2011

Thanks a lot,
i think that want be easy, and its make me happy, i just need someone to
tell me is it posible, and what way i need to go what kind of software.
so i just take Long version for now i have time about few days, and if i
finish sucefuly, i will send my answer to comunity.
Thanks again

On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Fajar A. Nugraha <list at> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 3:53 PM, backghost <mikoletic at> wrote:
> > i just wana to make all my new users, to have first hour free to use
> > internet, and when the hour exceed then the pfsense captive portal popup.
> Short version: hire an expert. Seriously.
> Long version:
> What you want SEEMS easy, but it requires several piece of software
> which you need to understand. Your post indicates you master none
> (hopefully I'm wrong on this). Here's some logical flow of how things
> should work which might help you later. Note that you'll have to find
> out yourself how to implement them, or hire an expert.
> (1) You can use client MAC address as identifier, to determine whether
> it's the same client or not.
> (2) Create a web page for the captive portal using php (or whatever
> your favorite is). It needs to be on the same LAN as the user's
> (3) Create a script so that the web page can detect user's MAC address
> (might involve some "exec" to run "arp", hence the requirement of
> being on the same LAN).
> (4) The page then checks whether the MAC is already in database. If it
> does, it has already used its free allocation. In this case simply
> display a normal login page.
> (5) If the MAC is NOT in database, generate an user entry in FR's db
> with session-timeout one hour (or whatever you choose). Redirect to
> the NAS (e.g. chillispot) with the username/password that you just
> generated. That way new users can go to the web page they want for one
> hour without having to type user/password manually.
> (6) If you want the "free" session to repeat (every
> day/week/whatever), then setup a schedule job that will delete the
> automatically-generated entries.
> --
> Fajar
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