store and proxy accounting packets

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Feb 25 14:53:02 CET 2011

Waqas Toor wrote:
> Thank you Alan for you help,
> But please can you point out where I am wrong or a line may be which
> is a bad config, I am having trouble understanding why the packets are
> not being forwarded while being in site-enabled directory.

  As I said, the debug log you posted shows *no* packets being received.

  How can it forward packets it doesn't receive?

  How can you debug the failure to proxy packets, when it doesn't
receive any packets?

> I read the file I am still struggling to understand FreeRadius proxy
> and virtual servers, treat me as a noob

  I'm asking you to read the documents, and the messages on this list.
Nothing more.

  Alan DeKok.

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