Deleting stale session automatically with unlang

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Jan 14 10:56:55 CET 2011

Bishal Pun wrote:

> if(User-Name){
> "%{sql: UPDATE radacct set AcctStopTime=ADDDATE(AcctStartTime,INTERVAL
> AcctSessionTime SECOND), AcctTerminateCause='Clear-Stale Session' WHERE
> UserName='%{User-Name}' and CallingStationId='%{Calling-Station-Id}' and
> AcctStopTime is null}"
> }

  That should work, barring SQL issues.

> but it doesn't help me, giving me error like
> Wed Jan 12 15:16:14 2011 : Error: rlm_sql_mysql: MYSQL Error: No Fields

  That's a MySQL issue.

> any help?

  Can you run the command from the mysql client?  i.e. without RADIUS
being involved?

 Alan DeKok.

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