help:[freeradius+mysql]destination unreachable(host administratively prohibited)

gary gary.yang at
Wed Jul 27 12:17:34 CEST 2011

Hi All
I have trouble about freeradius+mysql.
I configured freeradius(2.1.10) +mysql(5.5.14) and selftest by radtest everything is okay.
But when I try external nas client it always returns "null response".
the setup as below.
PC(client)<===>wireless AP(nas,<===>radius server(
my nas table:
mysql> select * from nas;
| id | nasname              | shortname           | type  | ports     | secret         | server    | community | description         |
|  1 |   |  | other |  NULL | testing123 | NULL   | NULL        | RADIUS Client |
|  3 |             | localhost             | other |  NULL | testing123 | NULL   | NULL        | RADIUS Client |
radcheck table:
mysql> select * from radcheck;
| id   | username           | attribute            | op | value  |
|  1   | gary                  | User-Password | := | gary     |
|  2   | test                    | User-Password | := | test      |
|  3   | 001d09cb2715  | User-Password | := | test      |
+----+--------------------+-------------------+----+--------+ is the wireless AP(nas) and my radius server is
I am using wireshark to capture the packets and it shows "destination unreachable(host administratively prohibited)".
see screenshot as below. Can anyone help me?

Best Regards
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