Proxy based on User-Name with regex

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Sat Jun 11 10:49:40 CEST 2011

> Hi there,
> I have been trying to setup a freeradius server that will proxy the
> authentication to another server if the User-Name starts with 1234. So for
> instance a user logs in with username 1234XXXXXX then in section AUTHORIZE i
> have a policy that checks with regex if the username falls in this category:
> 	api_proxyRedirect{
> 	   if (User-Name =~ /[1-4]{4}[A-Za-z0-9]{6}/) {
>                 update control { 
>                         Proxy-To-Realm := "myrealm" 
>                 } 
> 	   }
> 	}
> Unfortunatelly everything works up to the point where the control needs to
> be updated. The server responds with ++++[control] not found.

not sure....we ahve similar things - the only thing we dont do is wrap
is up in an external call - removed the api_proxyRedirect and bracket pair?


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