global hash variable perl

Vinh Nguyen vhn2000 at
Tue Mar 1 07:37:17 CET 2011

something is very strange in my case.

I used the global variable like you pointed out. Then I tested the logic and
it seems like the hash variable isn't cache properly. The data is not
cached. I gave up and tried again in couple hours. And then it magically
worked. now the hash variable is caching the data as expected. But I'm a bit
confused as why it wasn't working in the first place.

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Alexander Clouter <alex at>wrote:

> Hi,
> * Vinh Nguyen <vhn2000 at> [2011-02-28 15:17:30-0600]:
> >
> > is it possible you can show me your radius.conf - related to perl
> section?
> >
> Cheers
> --
> Alexander Clouter
> .sigmonster says: Support Mental Health.  Or I'll kill you.

Computer Science B.S. at Texas A&M
C# .Net Developer
Server Analyst.
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