decoupled accounting cron check
Alexander Clouter
alex at
Sun Mar 6 20:37:01 CET 2011
For those out there using decoupled accounting, especially in an
'eduroam' environment, might find the following helpful.
I receive a lot of random rubbish from the various NAS's deployed
internationally send to my FreeRADIUS installation. Such moments of fun
are accounting stop packets with a zero session length
(CISCO_ACCOUNTING_HACK) resulting in a DoS when received in the
decoupled accounting the other usual hings that trigger
corner cases my custom (bad?) SQL statements do not catch when logging
this information to our database.
The unfortunate outcome means after a bad accounting packet, the
mountpoint I use for recording my journal fills up until FreeRADIUS
hangs with no warning (meanwhile FreeRADIUS works fine so it is not
something trivially monitored by NAGIOS or such).
The solution I slapped together is a quick minutely run script by cron
that notifies me by email when a problem occurs.
My preference is to place my detail journal files on a separate tmpfs
mountpoint (as I use low powered ARM boxes, OpenRD's if you are curious,
that only have a NAND):
tmpfs /var/log/freeradius/radacct/journal tmpfs nosuid,nodev,noexec,size=32M,mode=700,uid=freerad,gid=freerad 0 0
Then the following script is used.
RCPT="jill at bob at"
MESSAGE="FreeRADIUS is on the road to implosion...yer might want to look into it.
SELF=$(basename $0)
if [ -e "/var/lock/$SELF" ]; then
if [ $(df "$MOUNT" | tail -n1 | awk '{ print $3 }') -lt $(($TRIGGER/2)) ]; then
rm "/var/lock/$SELF"
exit 1
[ $(df "$MOUNT" | tail -n1 | awk '{ print $3 }') -lt $TRIGGER ] && exit 0
DATE=$(date -R)
TO=$(echo $RCPT | sed 's/ /, /g')
cat <<EOF | /usr/sbin/sendmail -i $RCPT
To: $TO
Date: $DATE
Subject: $MOUNT exceeds ${TRIGGER}kB
[ $? -eq 0 ] && touch "/var/lock/$SELF"
exit 1
That's it. The above script will email you only a single time when more
that 1024kB of journal is sitting around waiting to be processed and
will re-enable notifications once it drops to half the trigger mark
Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: T-shirt:
Life is *not* a Cabaret, and stop calling me chum!
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