linelog and rlm_eap

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Tue Mar 8 19:54:48 CET 2011

On 03/08/2011 03:58 PM, Kenneth Marshall wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 08, 2011 at 04:44:53PM +0100, Kolbj??rn Barmen wrote:
>> Is it possible to use the linelog to provide a "debug light" for rlm_eap
>> and submodules? What I'm looking for is some way to tell why an
>> authentication has failed for a given login attempt, without resorting to
>> full debugging. If it is possible, example configuration is most welcome.
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Kolbj??rn Barmen
>> UNINETT Driftsenter
> You can use raddebug to enable debugging for just the problem
> user. That is usually much easier than trying to instrument the
> radius process piecemeal.

But not much use if you're asked about it hours later...

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