Sending accounting packets to more than one server?

Fajar A. Nugraha list at
Sat Mar 12 13:13:31 CET 2011

On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Brian Candler <B.Candler at> wrote:
> I have a local module here which blindly sends out an extra copy of an
> accounting packet to target host(s) you specify, without waiting for any
> acknowledgement.  We use it for teeing off accounting to various packet
> shapers.
> Because the module doesn't maintain any state, i.e.  wait for
> acknowledgement or resend if no ack received, it's very lightweight and
> there are no queues or buffers to overflow.
> I can probably get permission to release the code if you're interested.

Please do :D

It's much better than having to reinvent the wheel.


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