SQL Counter Escape String !

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Tue Mar 15 09:36:03 CET 2011

Suman Dash wrote:
> I have tried almost all sql escape but looks like none are working or
> maybe i am missing something. I am stuck in this issue for more than 3
> days and now i don't have any clue due to which i am trying to reach for
> help on the mailing list.

  Hmm... the issue seems to be that the sqlcounter module does it's own
string expansion, and gets it *horribly* wrong.

  As for why '%%' becomes '%1298917800', I have no idea.  Posting *more*
debug output might help.  What you did post was the final result of the
expansion, and didn't include *how* that expansion came about.

  Alan DeKok.

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